Ignalina District Tourism Information Center

Birds Village

Other Objects

In Paukščių village, not only groups choosing educational programs are welcomed, but also individual visitors who can get acquainted with the farm and its inhabitants.

If you wish for happiness, the Bird of Happiness lives in here, come and find it.
Located in the scenic Aukštaitija National Park where you can see more birds than you have ever seen and heard more of their voices than you have ever heard.
When you visit, you will get to know and learn about the birds of the Bird Village.


The price for an adult is 2 euros, for a child - 1 euro.


  • Sa

    Du kartus buvau ir abu kartus šeimininkė buvo girta. Iš esmės niekas nepasikeitę, daugiau nebevažiuosiu ten.

  • Vl

    Ne kartą aplankęs paukščių kaimą. Super

  • la

    ivertyciau 5 balais viskas kaip ir grazu bet pora vaizdu nuliudino musu vaika ,tai nugaises visciukas per kuri laipioja kiti visciukai ir kurapkos jai neklystu su suzalotom galvom :( toks butu musu liudnokas pastebejimas