Active rest in the private territory near the pine forest and near one of the cleanest lakes in Lithuania - Žiezdras. A great place to relax, celebrate various holidays, organize seminars, trainings and other events. Price by agreement.
The homestead has 4 rooms, 60 beds.
Languages: Lithuanian, Russian, English.
Pets are accepted for an additional fee (10e).
The homestead is open all year round.
Labai graži vieta, labai viskas patiko
Puiki vieta poilsiui, labai geri šiminkai
Viešėjome 2020 rugsėjo mėn. 12-13 d. Labai patiko! Nuostabi aplinka, didelė tvarkinga teritorija. Labai mieli, nuoširdūs ir be galo rūpestingi šeimininkai! Dar kartą tariame didelį AČIŪ! Linkime stiprios sveikatos, sėkmingų darbų! Rekomenduojame!!!